
Photo: Reuters
Nuclear reactor
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Ritter believes U.S. forces will launch a strike on Iran by June
Photo: AP
Photo: AP
Would attack in any event. Bush
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Photo: AP
Mastermind behind the "regime change" doctrine. Paul Wolfowitz
Photo: AP

'U.S. may strike Iran in June'

Former weapons inspector says Bush already approved use of military force; notes administration's conduct reminiscent of Iraq question

President George Bush has authorized U.S. military forces to act against Iran as early as June, says a former U.S. official in an interview with United Arab Emirates-based newspaper al-Khaleej. 


Bush is set to strike at Iran even if it turns out Teheran’s nuclear program is designed for civilian objectives only, said Ritter, who served under the Clinton administration.


Moreover, the current administration’s conduct is reminiscent of pre-Iraq War days, he said, with officials dismissing talk of a planned military strike while continuing to plan an offensive away from public view.


Ritter says he is basing his assessment on information provided by credible sources who have access to classified materials in Washington.


Bush's mixed messages


During a visit to NATO headquarters in Brussels Tuesday Bush addressed talk of a planned Iran strike.


"This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous," Bush said. "Having said that, all options are on the table."


Ritter said the administration's ambiguity surrounding the prospect of an attack on Iran, exemplified by Bush’s response in Brussels, is the very reason he believes a strike is planned.


In the spring of 2002 a government official

claimed the U.S. was seeking to resolve the Iraq crisis through diplomatic means, yet military plans to strike Iraq were already approved by August 2002, ritter said.


Regime Change doctrine


Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and his assistant Douglas Feith are the main architects behind the "regime change" doctrine pursued by the Bush administration, Ritter said.


The Pentagon supports the doctrine and is pleased with Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice's appointment as Secretar of State, he said.


Ritter said he plans to reveal all the secrets behind the Iraq invasion in a book due for release in the summer. 


פרסום ראשון: 02.23.05, 16:42
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