
Zionist milk?

Milk to Take Zionist Twist

Cartons to carry photos of Zionist figures and historical sites

TEL AVIV – Milk cartons here may soon feature photos of notable Zionist figures, in a bid to educate the public about Israel's history.


The innovative idea was initiated by Shinui Knesset Member Melli Polishuk-Bloch, who says she wants to boost familiarity with Zionist terms among students and adults.


"I was stunned by the ignorance displayed by youngsters and adults when it comes to Zionist issues," she says.


Polishuk-Bloch took the idea to Arik Reichman, CEO of leading dairy company Tnuva. Reichman replied this week and informed the Knesset member that her idea was "examined and enthusiastically adopted."


The company is set to formulate a working plan to implement the idea, he said.


The process is expected to take at least six months, and the final product could be different than Polishuk-Bloch envisioned, sources at Tnuva say.


The Knesset member, meanwhile, says she is glad to discover that others find her idea appealing.


"Zionism is not a dirty word," she says.


"Some people are unfamiliar with even the most basic information when it comes to the subject," Polishuk-Bloch added, "so I decided to turn to a company whose products are widely available."


פרסום ראשון: 01.27.05, 18:10
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