
Photo: Reuters
Palestinian officers to the rescue
Photo: Reuters
Photo: AP
Weapons smuggling tunnel uncovered
Photo: AP

Israeli wanders into Ramallah

Palestinians hand over mentally impaired Israeli who entered West Bank town "to look for apartment". Meanwhile, Palestinians uncover weapons smuggling tunnels

Palestinian security officers rescued a mentally impaired Israeli who wandered into the West Bank town of Ramallah Monday night.


The man later told investigators he entered the town "to find an apartment."


Palestinian sources initially reported two Israelis entered Ramallah, but an army investigation into the matter revealed only one man was lost in the city.


The Palestinian forces handed the Israeli over to IDF forces at a roadblock near Ramallah. The man was subsequently taken in for questioning, as he violated an IDF order that forbids Israelis from entering Palestinian areas.


Palestinians uncover weapons smuggling tunnels


In another sign of tightening cooperation, Palestinian police forces unearthed seven weapons smuggling tunnels, a senior IDF officer said.


On Sunday, a Palestinian policeman was killed south of Rafah in the Gaza Strip when a tunnel he was inspecting caved in.


“It is safe to say the Palestinians are acting on this issue,” a senior IDF officer said. “It must be understood that for the Palestinians it is easier to reach suspected tunnels. It is their territory.”


In 2004, 36 tunnels have been uncovered in the Gaza Strip. Two other tunnels were used to carry out terror attacks against IDF outposts that resulted in the death of six soldiers.


Following the attacks, the IDF placed its Gaza forces in smaller, safer outposts.


פרסום ראשון: 02.21.05, 23:58
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