
Photo: Tomeriko
Irish fan in Tel Aviv
Photo: Tomeriko

Our Irish pals

Irish presence on Tel Aviv streets ahead of soccer match gives Israelis illusion of normalcy, as cheerful visitors take over local pubs

TEL AVIV - Irish invasion: No one here can remember the last time we saw large numbers of tourists on our streets (French Jews notwithstanding,) which is why the sight of masses of green-clad Irish revelers is bringing a smile to the faces of many Tel Avivians.


The Irish soccer fans, who are in town for their national team’s soccer match against Israel Saturday night, have brought their contagious high spirits (and impressive drinking skills) to pubs across Tel Aviv, winning over the hearts of many locals in the process.


Meanwhile, Irish fans are also excited about the warm welcome they have received, which includes ubiquitous Irish flags at the beachfront promenade, as well as special deals on beer.


“Everyone here has been so nice to us,” an Irish woman donning the trademark green soccer uniform said Friday on a Hayarkon Street, where many fans chose to spend a night out.


Meanwhile, a group of Irish fans from the town of Nenagh, who said they follow their team everywhere it goes, also spoke of the attention they’ve received since landing in Israel.


“The media was photographing us as if we were the president,” one fan said outside the Buzz Stop pub, where dozens of Irish revelers spent the night drinking and singing.


Indeed, the big question hanging over Ireland’s visit seems to be “will they like us?”


Irish, Israelis mingle outside pub


The sudden love for the green visitors appears to be a mirror image of the inexplicable animosity Israelis have developed for the French, who are also in the same World Cup qualifiers pool with Israel.


Either you’re with us or against us - there is no middle ground.


Moreover, the Irish presence on Tel Aviv’s streets provides us with a pleasant illusion of normalcy. By fortunate coincidence, the game happened to coincide with Purim, with the joy of the holiday intermixing with the soccer-related excitement, making it appear as though we are indeed a part of Europe’s longtime soccer culture.


Another hot-spot largely overtaken by the visitors was Irish pub Molly Bloom’s, which was packed to capacity Friday night, with dozens of Israeli and Irish revelers mingling outside.


At one point, a group of Israeli youngsters was attempting to drown out the Irish singing with some classic Israeli tunes, but eventually the locals joined in with the visitors.


‘We’re gonna stuff you’


Ireland is the clear favorite to win the game, as many Irish fans were quick to remind their Israeli hosts. “On Sunday you won’t be happy anymore,” one visitor told local passerby, while another expressed his confidence that “we’re going to stuff you.”


Others, however, were more courteous to the locals, saying the game could go either way. Many Irish fans, meanwhile, said that regardless of who won they would continue the party Saturday night.


Another highlight was a party organized for the benefit of the Irish visitors Friday afternoon. The event was well organized, the Israeli band that sang cover versions of U2 songs was not bad at all, and even the sound quality was good.


Only one thing appeared to be missing at Hayarkon Park – Irish people.


Indeed, even the promise of unlimited beer failed to convince the fans, who chose to take advantage of the warm weather and spend the day at the beach.


פרסום ראשון: 03.26.05, 12:03
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