
Photo: Awa Awisat
Ismail 'forced to resign'
Photo: Awa Awisat
Photo: AP
Has abbas lost control ?
Photo: AP
Photo: AP
The Ramallah riots have had a rippling effect on the Authority
Photo: AP

Abbas dismisses security chief

West Bank commander Haj Ismail 'forced to resign' following Ramallah riots and Authority's waning control over Palestinian order and security

RAMALLAH - Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas dismissed over the weekend West Bank National Security Chief Haj Ismail.


Ismail was "forced to resign” from his position following riots in Ramallah Thursday and the Authority's waning control over Palestinian order and security.


This is the first in a series of changes Abbas is expected to make among the higher echelons of the Palestinian security forces in preparation for unifying security forces under three central commands, according to conditions stipulated by the U.S.-backed road map peace plan.


Israeli Skepticism


However, Israeli Defense officials, headed by Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz, have accused the Authority of not doing enough to curb terror in the Palestinian-controlled territories.


Following the Tel Aviv nightclub bombing in February, Mofaz said that as long as Ismail heads the Palestinian security forces in the West Bank, the chance of significant security improvements are slim.


Earlier this week, Mofaz told U.S. officials in Washington that there is a large gap between Palestinian declarations regarding reform and fighting terror and the reality on the ground in areas under Palestinian jurisdiction.


'I can't do my job while others don't do theirs'


Meanwhile, head of the Authority’s West Bank General Intelligence Service, Tawfik Tirawi, resigned Thursday night in light of “ongoing anarchy in the Authority,” and the deteriorating ability of Palestinian security officials to control the situation.


Tirawi told Abbas “security officials have been unable to stand up to the armed anarchy engulfing Palestinian areas and those responsible for it.”


Tirawi submitted his resignation during a meeting of security chiefs in Ramallah, attended by both Abbas and Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia. Witnesses described the meeting as “difficult.”


“Your advisors are not telling you the truth,” Tirawi told Abbas. “The time has come to do everything you can in order to impose law and order. Personally, I can’t do my job when others aren’t doing theirs.”


פרסום ראשון: 04.02.05, 11:47
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