
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Theodor Herzl's grave, last week
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Photo: Gil Yohanan
'Hitler would be proud'
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Rabin grave desecrated

"Murderous dog" scrawled on Mt. Herzl gravesite, latest in string of grave desecrations, threatening graffiti; Peace Now: country can’t protect leaders or gravesites

JERUSALEM - Vandals scrawled graffiti on the graves of assassinated Prime Minster Yitzhak Rabin and his wife Leah Saturday night, the latest attacks in a wave of grave desecrations and graffiti sweeping Israel.


A black stripe blocked out the names on the tombstones on Jerusalem’s Mt. Herzl, as well as the words “murderous dog”. Jerusalem Police Chief Ilan Franko has instructed his department to open a special investigation into the incident.


Responding to the desecrations, Peace Now leader Yariv Oppenheimer asked whether or not security cameras installed at Rabin’s gravesite several years ago were operative on Saturday night, or whether they were placed there for decorative purposes only.


"A country that can’t protect its leaders also can’t protect their gravesites,” he said. 


Labor party Knesset Member Eitan Cabel said, “the insane hatred (for Rabin) has apparently not subsided,” and added that the desecration should serve as a reminder that the next political murder could only be “a matter of time.”


The incident is the latest in a string of grave desecrations of Zionist and Israeli leaders around Israel.


Last Wednesday, vandals wrote “Hitler” on the grave of David Ben-Gurion at Kibbutz Sde Boker in the Negev, the same day as the words “Neo-Nazi, Beilin Lives” were found scrawled on the grave of Zionist visionary Theodor Herzl in Jerusalem.


About six weeks ago, vandals wrote, “Arik (Sharon), Hitler is proud of you”

on a Jerusalem wall. In a separate incident in Tel Aviv, vandals wrote they would “kill for our homeland.”


Police are investigating both incidents.


In January, three indictments were handed down against right-wing activists for incitement to violence, offensive actions and vandalism. The trio, including a minor, are accused of scrawling graffiti on Jerusalem streets, including “we will rebel against the evil government,” “Death to Sharon,” as well as anti-Christian and anti-Islam graffiti.


פרסום ראשון: 04.03.05, 12:34
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