
Photo: AFP
Hot Sunday on Temple Mount
Photo: AFP

Islamic leader recruits al-Aqsa defenders

Islamic Waqf officials denounce planned right-wing rally for Sunday; say they are ready 'to deal' with the masses

JERUSALEM - Islamic Waqf officials denounced Thursday radical rightists' intention to conduct a mass visit to Temple Mount’s holy sites and threatened it may result in Muslims’ violent riots.


Al-Aqsa Mosque Director Sheik Mohammad Hussein said any attempt made by right-wing Jewish organizations to damage the mosque or its holiness would not go by quietly.


"Four million Muslims in Palestine will not allow

any damage to be done to the mosque, not to mention reactions of Muslims from all over the world,”  he said.


Temple Mount closed for Jews


The threat comes in light of promises made by right-wing Jewish organizations that they would “conquer the mountain” on Sunday, when 10,000 religious Israelis plan to collectively visit Temple Mount.


Police sources have decided not to allow the entrance of any Jewish or Christian worshipers into the Temple Mount compound for fear of violent eruptions.


However, despite police promises, Hussein said the Palestinians would be ready "to deal with "anyone who attempts to invade the mosques’ compound, regardless to how many.


He said that this is hardly the first time Jewish radicals announced their decision to raid the mosques’ compound, and said that what is new is the fact that this time their number is in the thousands.


“This attempt is part of the radicals’ effort to prevent

any chance for a settlement, any chance for stability in the area,” he said. 


Slams Israeli government too


Hussein said that security forces should prevent radical rightists of provocations and refuse to even let them enter the old city, particularly where the mosques are, in order to prevent any friction with the local population.


“The Israeli side made sure Waqf management knows of intentions to prevent any extremists from getting near the mosque," he said. " Al-Aqsa Mosque is an Islamic mosque. It is Muslim’s property, and theirs alone, and it is part of the Islamic religion.”


Hussien expanded his accusation from radical right to the Israeli government, slamming "Israel's attack on Jerusalem", via a separation fence and the expansion of settlements.


“There is a chance that talk of damaging the mosque is a diversion of Israel’s expansion intentions," he said. "The Israeli government needs to stay away from the mosque, for the consequences of damaging the mosque might be completely out of proportion and out of boundaries.” 


However, Knesset member Uri Ariel (National Union) and additional Knesset members requested the Jerusalem District Police Commissioner Ilan Franco allow Jews to enter the Temple Mount compound on Sunday.


“It is not likely that Jews will be denied the right to practice their religion, because of fear of rioting Arabs,” Ariel said. “We have been through such historical eras before, and they must not be repeated.” 


פרסום ראשון: 04.07.05, 19:14
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