
Photo: Gadi Kabalo
Rehovot – peeping tom was arrested ‘red handed’
Photo: Gadi Kabalo
Photo: Shaul Golan
Rehovot women can now breathe in ease
Photo: Shaul Golan

Serial peeping tom caught at Mikve

Police arrest young man outside a neighborhood Mikve; says he was guarding the roof so no one would peek at the women

REHOVOT - While the man told policemen he came to the Mikve to guard the women, he was arrested for allegedly peeking through the ceiling’s windows and checking out the nude ladies for weeks.


This municipal Mikve serves a large religious population in Israel's central Rehovot town. Recently, many regular female Mikve visitors filed complaints with local police, claiming that someone had been staring at them.


After Rehovot policemen patrolled the area and came up with nothing, they decided to ambush the peeping tom.


'I was actually guarding the ladies'


Finally, while sitting in their patrol car on Wednesday night, officers noticed a man in his 20’s approaching the facility, holding a ladder.


They arrested him after he proceeded to climb up the ladder.


Although he tried to explain his actions by saying he actually wanted to protect the women after hearing rumors about a peeping tom, he could not explain how and where he learned of the latter’s existence.


And so, the young man was arrested and his instead of staring at women in their nude, he spent the night staring at the walls of his cell.


At last, Rehovot women could breathe in ease.


פרסום ראשון: 04.07.05, 23:56
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