
Photo: Reuters
The settlement in question - Maaleh Adumim
Photo: Reuters
Photo: Reuters
Bush plans to say 'No'
Photo: Reuters
Photo: Reuters
Sharon will meet Bush in Texas
Photo: Reuters

Bush to say 'No' to settlement expansion

President says he will discuss with Sharon the recent reports of settlement expansion at meeting next week; says Sharon must adhere to road map

WASHINGTON - President Bush said on Friday he would raise the matter of Jewish settlement expansion during his scheduled meeting with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon at his Texas ranch next week.


"What I say publicly, I say privately," Bush told reporters aboard Air Force One as he returned home from the Pope's funeral. "And that is the road map has clear obligations on settlements, and that we expect the prime minister to adhere to those road map obligations."


More than two weeks ago Yedioth Ahronoth daily newspaper reported Israel's plan to build 3,500 new homes in a bid to link the West Bank city of Maaleh Adumim to Jerusalem.


The proposal has angered Palestinian Authority leaders who warn it could derail peacetalks.


Meeting not only about security 


Speaking to reporters, Bush said he believes the Palestinians also have obligations under the road map plan.


"We have a great opportunity - 'we,' the world, has a great opportunity to help a democracy grow...starting in the Gaza Strip,” he said. "The prime minister of Israel has decided to pull out of Gaza, I applauded that decision at the White House, with him standing by

my side. And I think now is the time to focus the world's attention on what is possible."


Bush said that besides security issues, he also intends to discuss ways to develop a successful strategy to build institutions and to encourage international efforts to nurture Palestinian economic strength.


Following his meeting with Sharon, Bush is expected to meet with Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. However, a date has not yet been finalized.


פרסום ראשון: 04.09.05, 12:36
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