
Greek Orthodox Christians mark Holy Saturday
Photo: Government Press Office

Holy Saturday service passes quietly

Greek Orthodox and Armenian followers mark Holy Saturday with flame lighting ceremony at Church of the Sepulchre

JERUSALEM - The Greek Orthodox ceremony marking Holy Saturday was held at the Church of the Sepulchre in Jerusalem’s old city Saturday without disturbance, despite police concerns of possible confrontation.


More than 100,000 tourists and believers gathered at the church to participate in the “Sabbath of Light” ceremony.


The ceremony, in which a holy flame is lit, is considered one of the most important ceremonies in Christianity marking the day before Jesus's resurrection and the day after his crucifixion.


According to tradition, Jerusalem’s Greek and Armenian patriarchs lead the ceremony. The Greek patriarch enters the tomb and lights the flame. His Armenian counterpart then leaves the site with the burning flame.


Under control


Meanwhile, Jerusalem district police commander Ilan Franco, his deputy Shimon Koren, Police Commissioner Moshe Karadi and Interior Minster Gideon Sa’ar were present at the site. 


No disturbances were reported, despite police concerns of possible protest by Greek Orthodox followers who demonstrated Friday in protest to the Greek Orthodox Patriarch, Irineos I.


Both Christian and several Muslim Palestinians rallied outside the Church waving Palestinian flags in protest to Irineos, who has been accused of selling Greek Orthodox Church land in Jerusalem to Jews.


Irineos had been conducting Good Friday mass inside the church at the time. 


פרסום ראשון: 04.30.05, 15:08
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