
Photo: Reuters
Shbak calls for factions to honor cease-fire
Photo: Reuters
Photo: Nahum Barnea
'We have no intention to disarm resistance' - Shbak
Photo: Nahum Barnea

PA: We will not disarm gunmen

Palestinian internal security head says PA has no intention to disarm factions, calls for them to honor cease-fire agreement with Abbas

GAZA - The Palestinian Authority reiterated on Wednesday it had no intention of disarming gunmen despite constant calls by Israel for such a move and a recent pledge to crack down on unlicensed weapons.


"We have no intention of withdrawing arms of resistance,” head of the Internal Preventive Security Service Rashid Abu Shbak, told a news conference in Gaza.


The announcement came amid growing

friction between armed factions and security forces following the arrest of two Hamas men Monday after a gunfight.


The militants were accused of planning to attack Israel in defiance of a ceasefire.


Abu Shbak specifically rejected Israel's request for a start to disarmament before it hands over the last three of five West Bank cities it was to return to Palestinian security control under the Sharm el-Sheikh agreement.


Abu Shbak said militants must still honor their commitment to the ceasefire agreed by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and should

not take their weapons out in public.


"Arms of resistance should not be displayed in streets. Arms of resistance should not be used in family feuds," he said.


The PA began a law-and-order drive last weekend aimed both at ending lawlessness and ensuring the truce with Israel is followed. 


פרסום ראשון: 05.04.05, 18:54
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