
Photo: AFP
Abbas (L) and Sharon in Sharm
Photo: AFP
Photo: AP
Abbas acknowledges Hamas's growing power
Photo: AP

PA: Hamas has agreed to halt fire

Palestinian Interior Ministry reports Hamas has agreed to stop mortar and rocket attacks on Israel; PA chairman says he plans to meet with Sharon to discuss Sharm commitments and renew diplomatic relations

Hamas has agreed to halt mortar and rocket fire on Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip following three consecutive days of violence, Palestinian sources reported Saturday.


Palestinian Interior Minister Nasser Yousef met with Hamas leaders on Thursday night, in a bid to resolve the current situation, they said,  However, several Palestinian factions have denied such reports.


The Popular Resistance Committees snubbed the agreement, and said that as long as Israel continues to violate the cease-fire, they would continue mortar and rocket attacks on Israeli settlements.


In addition, Al-Aksa Brigades said they too are not familiar with the "so-called cease-fire." In fact, one senior al-Aksa member said that not only does his organization deny the report, they are determined to continue with firing attacks and resistance operations.


Hamas refrained from commenting on the report.


'Situation in Gaza calmer'


Earlier, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said he is expected to meet with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on June 7, in preparation for the pullout plan scheduled for summer.


The meeting is aimed at retaining Israel’s commitments to the Palestinians, which were agreed upon at the Sharm el-Sheikh summit in February, Abbas said following a meeting with Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak.


“The situation in Gaza is calmer, something that allows the advancement of political dialogue with Israel,” Abbas said.


He also discussed the possibility that Hamas would increase its influence during upcoming PA elections.


“After elections, it is expected that Hamas will become a full partner in Palestinian decision making, “ Abbas said


'No date or location finalized' 


Palestinian officials estimate the two are set to discuss political developments in preparation for Abbas’s trip to the U.S. at the end of June, where he is scheduled to meet with President George Bush.


They said details for the meeting were finalized two days ago between Sharon’s senior advisor Dov Weisglass and chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat.


Meanwhile, Sharon’s office said in response to Abbas's announcement that neither a date nor a location for the meeting have been finalized at present. 


- Associated Press contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 05.21.05, 12:22
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