
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Settlers plan huge protest across country (Archive photo)
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Mass road protest planned

Settler leaders call on motorists to stop vehicles at side of the road for 15 minutes Monday to protest pullout. Yesha Council expects more than 100,000 Israelis to participate, activists say protest meant to encourage government to reconsider plan


TEL AVIV - The Yesha Council is planning a mass anti-pullout protest throughout the country Monday that would see tens of thousands of vehicles stop at the side of the road for 15 minutes to protest the upcoming Gaza Strip and northern West Bank pullout.


The protest is scheduled for 6 p.m. and comes under the banner, “Stop – we must rethink.” After motorists stop their vehicles they are expected to hold up signs calling for the disengagement’s annulment.


Meanwhile, vehicles bearing orange ribbons, associated with the anti-pullout campaign, will stop at three areas in the country, including the road leading up from the entrance to Jerusalem all the way to the Knesset.


Protest organizer Rafi Ben Basat said the original demonstration is meant to push the Knesset and government to reconsider the disengagement plan.


“The intention is not violence and not road blocking, but rather, a quiet, serious declaration,” he said.


Settlers dismiss pro-pullout campaign


Settler leaders estimate more than 100,000 Israelis would take part in the protest, particularly after the murder of two boys in a West Bank terror attack heightened emotions across the country.


Right-wing activists examined roads across the nation in recent weeks ahead of the protest and organized the tens of thousands of people who have already signed up for the demonstration.


The Yesha Council will also place activists at areas where vehicles cannot stop at the side of the road to direct motorists to continue driving to a point where they can safely stop.


Meanwhile, settlers have dismissed a recently initiated pro-pullout campaign that calls on Israelis who support the disengagement to display blue ribbons on their cars.


Activist Moshe Ben Zimra said Monday’s protest would show which camp enjoys greater support.


“You will judge whether there are more people for disengagement or against it,” he said. “I believe Monday’s declaration would be unequivocal.”


פרסום ראשון: 06.27.05, 08:06
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