
Photo: Tzafrir Abayov
Protesters poured oil on road, again (Archive photo)
Photo: Tzafrir Abayov

Israel's roads hit by second oil 'attack'

Right-wing activists protesting the disengagement poured 36 liters of oil on road leading to jail Friday morning; incident is another in an increasingly long list of dangerous attempts to disrupt traffic

RAMLA - Right-wing activists protesting the disengagement plan poured 36 liters of oil on Friday morning in the town of Ramla, near the Ma’asiyahu prison where anti-pullout road blockers were held recently.


The incident is another in an increasingly long list of dangerous attempts to disrupt traffic, say police. No injuries have been reported.


Police believe the oil spillage was carried out by anti-disengagement activists to protest the arrest of their friends who had blocked road in earlier demonstrations.


Large numbers of police arrived on the scene and found oil spilled all over the road, and two more oil containers to the side of the road.


Firefighters are working to clear the oil, and the road has been closed until further notice.


Police have launched a criminal investigation, and are trying to locate, among other evidence, fingerprints in the oil that were left on the scene.


The last incident involving oil spillage took place two weeks ago, after leaders of the right-wing “National Home” movement promised to block off Israel’s main arteries in the afternoon rush hour.


During that morning, oil was spilt and spikes were scattered on a number of roads causing serious traffic jams on Highway 1.


The tires of around 20 cars were punctured by the nails, and police had to call in roadside assistance staff in order to replace the tires. The road was closed for 2 hours, and police say that only a miracle prevented a major disaster, as the punctures occurred when the vehicles were traveling at high speed.


פרסום ראשון: 07.15.05, 10:34
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