
Photo: Yaron Barner
Police confront protestors at Kfar Maimon
Photo: Yaron Barner

'Prisons ready for 900 inmates'

Prisons prepared for pullout protests, ready to receive 900 prisoners in the coming days, Prisons Authority spokesman Yaakov Ganot told Knesset committee Wednesday

Israel is prepared for anti-pullout protests heat up, Prisons Authority spokesman Yaakov Ganot told the Knesset Committee on Internal Affairs on Wednesday. So far, the Authority has made room for 900 additional inmates.




Ganot also said that “should we need to, we will add another 500-600 prison spaces. We will give priority to any government decision regarding the disengagement.”


“Women and teenagers are also expected to be arrested, and the Authority is preparing itself to receive such a population, including preparations for social conditions.”


The committee also heard about work arrest to make space in four courtrooms for arrested anti-pullout protesters.


“Prisoners will be taken care of, they will have enough space from the prosecution until their entrance into the prison. But we hope we don’t have to use these facilities,” added Ganot.


Interior Minister Gideon Ezra said, “We have made it clear that we will deal with lawbreakers in the most severe way. We will no allow the march to reach Gush Katif. All attempts to go westwards from Kfar Maimon will be dealt with immediately by the police, and this include arrests.”


The minister emphasized that families who have chosen to arrive with their children to the protests will not be separated. “We will face and deal with all of these pressures,” said Ezra.


פרסום ראשון: 07.20.05, 16:10
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