
Photo: Reuters
Hendel: Police have freedom to abuse settlers
Photo: Reuters
Photo: Sebastian Sheiner
Knesset member Zvi Hendel
Photo: Sebastian Sheiner

'Eichmann also only carried out orders'

Knesset Member Zvi Hendel compares Nazi war criminal to police behavior towards settlers slated for evacuation

JERUSALEM - Sparks flew Monday after Knesset member Zvi Hendel (National Union) compared police violence towards settlers slated for evacuation in the upcoming pullout to the acts of Adolph Eichmann.


"Perhaps we purposelessly killed Eichman," he said, during a Knesset debate, referring to Israel's execution of the former S.S. officer. "He was also only carrying out orders."


"No soldier in any dictatorship would act towards our children the way the police act towards them," he told Knesset members. "I'm calling out to any soldier who has not yet lost his sanity: 'Tell the internal security minister how the police really act.'"


"The attorney general immediately told the government:' We will handle everything, they (police) don't need to use their own money should legal charges be filed," he said. "How do they feel? They can do what they want; they can hit, beat, evacuate and separate a mother from her child."


"The day will come and Israeli society will pay dearly for this," he said.


Hendel: Everyone carries out orders


Hendel told Ynet that while he admits the comparison is a harsh one, the lives of those living in Gaza and areas in the West Bank slated for evacuation, are worse.


"I didn't see Yad Vashem jump when children were hit by batons," he said. "The whole country is full of those who carry out orders. They are given orders from above in order to incite on the ground," he said.


פרסום ראשון: 07.26.05, 17:01
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