
Photo: CD Bank
New movie
Photo: CD Bank

Argentine attack film shown in Cuba

Eleven years after bombing, first Argentine film is aired; ambassador says event left a deep mark on all of Argentina

HAVANA - The first Argentine film about the 1994 terrorist attack on a Jewish community center has just been shown in Cuba.


The film, "18-J," is a compilation of 10 short films about the event and its victims. The films each have a different director and producer.


A Cuban newspaper described it as "a quest for the human values which must be recovered. The film's declared intention is to preserve the memories of those lost in the attack and to repudiate the complicity of the government power structure in its indifference to society." 


The presentation in Havana was organized by the Jewish Community of Cuba and the Embassy of Argentina.


Argentine ambassador to Cuba Julio Lezcano, requested a minute of silence for the victims of the July 18, 1994, terrorist attack and said the Argentine government strongly condemns those actions and

supports the families of the victims.


The bombing attack, which demolished the Buenos Aires Jewish community center left a deep mark not only on the Jewish-Argentine community, but on the whole society, he said.


Adapted from an article in Ahora ( ). Reprinted with permission 


פרסום ראשון: 08.04.05, 11:37
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