
Photo: Gil Yochanan
Mofaz met with Dahlan Tuesday evening
Photo: Gil Yochanan
Photo: Reuters
Dahlan (R) and Wolfensohn
Photo: Reuters

Deal reached on Gaza cleanup

Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz finalizes deal during meeting with Palestinian Minister Muhammad Dahlan. Under agreement, Israel to raze some structures; Palestinians to clear rubble, World Bank to oversee project

Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz and Palestinian Minister Muhammad Dahlan reached an agreement Tuesday on the contentious question of clearing up the rubble of Gaza Strip settlements.


Under the deal, Israel would raze some of the structures in the region, while Palestinian and Egyptian contractors would perform other demolitions and would take care of the cleanup, under the supervision of the World Bank.


Meanwhile, hazardous materials would be transferred to Israel for burial under supervision.


According to wire reports, the World Bank would pay for work done by the Palestinians under the deal.


During Tuesday's session, Dahlan and Mofaz discussed questions related to pullout coordination. Palestinian sources said the meeting dealt mostly with civilian aspects of the disengagement, including Palestinian preparations for taking control of the area once the IDF withdraws.


The Quartet's envoy, James Wolfensohn, will be heading to the United States to present the agreement to President George W. Bush.


According to the Defense Ministry, there are 2,528 residential structures in Gush Katif and another 314 in the northern West Bank. Israel will also be razing 26 synagogues, as well as military structures.


U.S. to pay for upgrading of crossings


During the session, Mofaz handed over to Dahlan maps and other information on public facilities that would remain intact, 236 of them in Gush Katif and another 51 in the northern West Bank. The parties also agreed that the Palestinians would receive USD 50 million from the U.S. in order to upgrade four crossings, including Erez and Karni in the Gaza Strip.


Defense Ministry Director General Amos Yaron is expected to meet with senior Palestinian officials in the coming days in order to finalize the plan.


Meanwhile, the Palestinians are hoping to receive clear answers soon regarding several issues, such as the opening of a Gaza air and sea port, which the two sides have been unable to agree on thus far.



In recent days, Dahlan said coordination between Israel and the PA is inadequate and that the Palestinians are waiting for more information from Israel.


-Ali Waked also contributed to this report


פרסום ראשון: 08.09.05, 22:55
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