
Photo: Ronny Sofer
Arieh Yitzhaki, Kfar Yam
Photo: Ronny Sofer
Photo: Reuters
Sharon was asked for weapons
Photo: Reuters
Photo: Reuters
Kofi Annan, U.N. Secretary General
Photo: Reuters

Gaza residents appeal to U.N.

Gush Katif residents to declare “Gaza Region Jewish Authority” following Tisha B'Av fast Sunday; more than 1,200 people plan disengagement from Israel, will seek autonomous statehood status in the Gaza Strip. Group leader Arieh Itzhaky calls upon U.N. Secretary General KofI Annan to recognize initiative and Prime Minister Sharon to provide them with weapons

Independent state in Gaza?  In one of the most extreme anti-disengagement moves to date, representatives of the Gaza Absorption Authority announced Sunday they would declare the establishment of a “Gaza Region Jewish State.”



Authority head Aryeh Yitzhaki of Kfar Yam said he would serve as provisional chairman until general elections are held August 25.


According to Yitzhaki, 1,218 people have registered for “citizenship” in the new entity.


In a letter sent Friday to U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, Yitzhaki requests the organization’s assistance and its protection against Israel’s actions “against Jewish settlers in the Gaza Strip.”


Yitzhaki also asked Annan to recognize the new entity under international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention.


Yitzhaki also turned to Prime Minister Sharon to provide the new "state" with weapons for those settlers who’ll choose to stay in the Gaza Strip under autonomous rule, and said international law provided protection for settlers in Gaza.


Preparing for siege 


Other “Orange” groups are also preparing for the implementation of the disengagement this week; Yesha Council urged the thousands of supporters who rallied in Rabin Square last week to gather again this week in Kisuffim.


The National Home movement has circulated military maps used for navigation and satellite images of the area to assist the infiltrators in evading the IDF.


And inside Gush Katif residents were advised as to how to prepare for “the siege that the Israeli government plans to enforce this week,” and were told to stockpile food supplies, seal doors and windows, and equip themselves with chains and handcuffs to shackle themselves to furniture etc.


Gaza Beach Regional Council and Yesha Council continue to adhere to a nonviolent stance; calling for passive resistance. Nonetheless, both councils encourage followers to try and make it to Gush Katif.


Military authorities fear those infiltrators might actively resist forces scheduled to begin the evacuation on Wednesday.


פרסום ראשון: 08.14.05, 13:05
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