
Photo: Reuters
Palestinian forces deploy (Archive photo: Reuters)
Photo: Reuters
Photo: AP
Dahlan plans to maintain law and order following pullout
Photo: AP

Palestinians begin Gaza deployment

PA security forces take positions in southern Gaza; minister pledges harsh response to lawbreakers or those who attempt to damage property in evacuated settlements

Palestinian security forces began Sunday their deployment at areas close to Gaza Strip settlements slated for evacuation, ahead of the upcoming withdrawal. The force have deployed mostly in the southern Gaza Strip, with troops taking positions near the communities of Morag, Netzarim, and Kfar Darom


The deployment would resume in earnest during the evening after Palestinian officials ordered to stop it earlier Sunday for several hours following the friendly fire incident where several Israeli soldiers were injured.



Egyptian security experts will be monitoring the Palestinian deployment. The Egyptians arrived at the Strip last week.


Meanwhile, the razing of the evacuated settlements is expected to be gradual and coordinated in its entirety with Israel. The demolitions will take place as the evacuation continues.


Dahlan: Harsh steps against law violators


Palestinian residents in Rafah report that PA police officers seemed happy and smiling during their deployment, which marks the first time the Palestinians are returning to some of their Gaza posts since the outbreak of the intifadah.


Palestinian security sources said forces set to secure the central roads leading to the settlements -as well as the settlements themselves - following Israel's pullout, have undergone a series of training exercises to prepare for the settlers' evacuation.


While the first deployment of troops has been sent to areas near the Gaza Strip settlements, a number of Gaza training centers are finalizing their plans, in preparation for completing Palestinian deployment in the area.


Meanwhile, Palestinian Minister for Civilian Affairs Muhammad Dahlan, who has been charged with directing the Palestinian side of the disengagement, said Sunday the PA would take harsh steps against anyone who attempts to violate the law during the pullout period or who is caught damaging settler property left behind.


The Palestinian minister also warned against seedy business deals regarding illegal purchasing of settler land slated for evacuation.


Speaking before village leaders and Gaza dignitaries, Dahlan said the Palestinian people must prevent all attempts made by senior PA members to gain control of settler property following pullout, and requested the public's assistance in closely observing and examining the pullout, during and after Israel's withdrawal.  


He estimated pullout would be fully completed by the end of September.


פרסום ראשון: 08.14.05, 17:49
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