
Leaving Homesh

Settler gets heart attack while packing

Collapses while packing in belongings in West Bank settlement of Homesh; Gan-Or settler injured after he sets personal documents on fire

Heart attack on eve of disengagement: A 53-year-old resident of the West Bank settlement Homesh suffered a heart attack as he was packing his belongings ahead of the evacuation. He was treated by medics at the scene and was then taken to Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva for further treatment.


Also on Tuesday, a resident of the Gan Or settlement in Gush Katif was burned as he set his personal documents on fire


The man returned to the house he had evacuated earlier to collect personal documents he wanted to burn. The fire he lit damaged two rooms. Soldiers who were assisting families with packing tasks nearby managed to extinguish it. Military medics took the resident, who suffered burns to his legs, to a hospital.


The stream of events and confrontations led to a wave of rumors about a teenager who supposedly slit his wrists in Neve Dekalim. These turned out to be unsubstantiated.


Ilan Marciano and Ranan Ben-Zur contributed to this report.


פרסום ראשון: 08.16.05, 20:48
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