
Photo: Ata Awisat
Uncle Sam in generous mood
Photo: Ata Awisat

U.S. to offer billion-dollar 'pullout gift'

American aid to finance relocation cost of evacuees about half of what Israel asked for

The United State is set to offer Israel a special disengagement grant to the tune of USD 1 billion, about half the amount Israeli officials have asked for.


Treasury officials estimated the pullout will cost about NIS 8.3 billion (close to USD 2 billion.) Several weeks ago, Prime Minister's Office Director-General Ilan Cohen and Finance Ministry-Director General Dr. Yossi Bachar relayed the request for assistance to Washington.


The officials said the aid was needed to help in resettling evacuees in the southern Negev and northern Galilee regions. An American delegation also toured the Negev several days ago.


Local officials say President George W. Bush is expected to announce in the coming days that he has decided to meet the Israeli request and is willing to offer one billion dollars in assistance.


Bush will submit the request to Congress, which is expected to approve it. Notably, the aid will be provided in the form of a grant, meaning Israel will not have to repay the U.S. in the future.


פרסום ראשון: 08.21.05, 09:37
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