
Photo: Knesset website
MK Eldad: Public is stupid
Photo: Knesset website

Rightists slam Sharon

Right-wing politicians say prime minister responsible for Be'er Sheva bombing. MK Eldad: Public must be stupid to buy into Sharon spins

Right-wing politicians slammed Ariel Sharon in the wake of Sunday's bombing in Be'er Sheva, saying the prime minister was responsible for the attack.


"The public that allowed the Prime Minister to reward terror and bought the line sold by his corrupt media spinners is apparently pretty stupid, and is paying in blood," Knesset Member Arieh Eldad (National Union) said.


"If the people of Israel don't regain their senses and remove Sharon from power, they will continue to pay the price," he said.


Meanwhile, Knesset Member Uri Ariel (National Union) said terror groups received a "green light" from Sharon to carry out attacks.


"The message (to terrorists) is 'terror pays'. Sharon has proven that human life is not high on his priority list," Ariel said, and added "Sharon must resign immediately before it turns Israel into a terror-stricken country."


'Palestinians haven't changed'


Knesset Member Ehud Yatom (Likud) said Sunday's terror attack in Be'er Sheva "Proves the Palestinians' goal is to chase us and kill us."


"We have the ability to deter them in order to prevent the Palestinian hope to repeat Israel's flight from Gaza in the West Bank and Jerusalem," he said.


His fellow party member, Michael Ratzon (Likud), was even blunter with his assessment saying Sunday's bombing "proves, to our horror, that the Palestinians are the same Palestinians. Israel must continue to fight an unbending battle against terrorism."


"There is no place and no reason for unilateral moves," Ratzon said. "Sharon erred, and hurt Israel by his mistake. He must resign and get out. "


Knesset Member Eli Yishai said Israel should not transfer evacuated lands in Gaza and the West Bank to the Palestinians following Sunday's terror attack until there is clear evidence the Palestinian Authority is acting against terrorism.


"The PA has proven time after time it does not have the ability to stop terror rocket attacks," he said.


However, MK Yossi Beilin (Meretz-Yahad) said Israel must not allow itself to be dragged into a "cycle of violence" with the Palestinians because of Sunday's terrorist attack. Beilin's fellow party member, Zahava Gal-On, said the bombing in Be'er Sheva was an attempt to damage future Israeli-Palestinian relations.


"All terror attempts today can only be taken as an attempt to scuttle the positive results of the Gaza disengagement," she said.


Ilan Marciano, Attila Somfalvi, and Diana Bahur-Nir contributed to this story


פרסום ראשון: 08.28.05, 11:10
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