
Photo: Yael Golan
Packing in Atzmona
Photo: Yael Golan

Troops charged with Gaza theft

Three soldiers indicted in connection with theft of equipment from evacuated Gaza home

IDF prosecutors served an indictment Tuesday against three soldiers detained last week along with a civilian on suspicion of stealing equipment from an evacuated home in the Gaza Strip settlement of Atzmona.


The troops apparently used a military vehicle to facilitate the theft.


According to the indictment, one of the soldiers arrived in Atzmona as belongings in the community were being packed. The soldier, who used a military vehicle without authorization, stole a computer from the home and then returned to his base and hid it in his room.


The soldier along with two of his friends returned with the vehicle to Atzmona and this time stole a computer monitor, keyboard, four cellular phone chargers, and other equipment.


Soldiers charged with theft


The soldier charged in connection with all the cases of theft has already confessed to the charges, but his two comrades deny any involvement in the incidents. Military prosecutors decided the three will be charged with theft offences as opposed to looting violations, because the incidents in question took place on Israeli territory.


Notably, theft is considered a less serious offense than looting. The troops will also face charges of fraud and breach of trust, as well as trespassing for the purpose of committing an offence and using military equipment for non-military ends.


The soldiers will remain in custody until September 5 and will likely be kept in jail until the completion of legal proceedings against them. However, the attorney representing the accused said the indictment was blown out of proportion and attributes far more serious offenses to the defendants than warranted by the actual events.


פרסום ראשון: 08.31.05, 00:11
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