
Photo: Reuters
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi
Photo: Reuters

Palestinians get 50 million dollar gift

Palestinians also reap fruits of disengagement: Japanese foreign ministry donates USD 50 million to PA, fulfilling half of promise made to Mahmoud Abbas in May; Tokyo source: Sharon to visit in autumn

Israel is not the only side to reap diplomatic fruits of disengagement: Japan's foreign ministry announced Tuesday it would grant the Palestinian Authority foreign aid in the amount of USD 50 million (NIS 225 million).


A source in Japan's foreign ministry said the grant was an "emergency grant and aid after Israel's pullout from the Gaza Strip and parts of the northern West Bank."


The gift is believed to be in gratitude for the PA holding fire during the pullout.


According to the announcement, the goal of the aid includes building infrastructure and industry in the Palestinian areas.


The Japanese stressed the money would be transferred to Palestinian international organizations such as the United Nation's Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).


Half of pledge


The sum is roughly half of a USD 100 million pledge made by Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to Palestinian Chairman Mahmoud Abbas during a visit by the latter to Tokyo in May.


Koizumi said his country would remain neutral in the Israel- Palestinian conflict, and said his country's only goal was to further the cause of peace.


But despite the celebrations, the Japanese have placed conditions on the gift, and Palestinians say they do not know if they will be getting one "check" from Japan, or an ongoing aid package that will continue on an ongoing basis.


Sharon may visit


In Israeli source in Tokyo told Ynet that the Japanese want to recycle the energy created at that meeting, to demonstrate both Japan's involvement in the peace process and its support for the Palestinians.


It would also appear that Israel won't come away empty handed. Japanese sources told Ynet Prime Minister Ariel Sharon could visit Tokyo sometime this autumn, probably in October.



פרסום ראשון: 09.07.05, 22:09
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