
Photo: Gil Yochanan
West Bank security fence
Photo: Gil Yochanan

Official: Fence complete within months

Outgoing Defense Ministry Director-General Amos Yaron says, ‘the entire security fence, from the Tirat Zvi area in the north to the Mezudat Yehuda in the south will be finished by the end of the year within three to four months’; as to the crisis with the U.S. regarding arms sales to China, which eventually cost him his job, Yaron says, ‘I do not feel like a scapegoat, I did my job faithfully’

Most of the West Bank security fence will be completed by the end of 2005, outgoing Defense Ministry Director-General Amos Yaron said Wednesday during a visit to the area surrounding Jerusalem.


"Large sections of the security fence are already completed. The entire fence, from the Tirat Zvi area in the north to the Mezudat Yehuda in the south will be finished by the end of the year within three to four months," he said.


Amos, who is set to finish his term Thursday after serving as director-general for six years, added that most of the fence will be completed except for certain sections still tied up in various legal proceedings.


Yaron and other senior Defense Ministry officials toured the ‘around-Jerusalem” area; Yaron insisted on driving his own car along the route for the last time as director-general.


“This is one of Israel’s biggest projects ever, and I had the privilege of initiating it and being an active part of its implementation,” he said.


“While this barrier does not offer total security, it remains very significant in the war on terror.”


The director-general added that during the construction of the wall Israel was considerate of the Palestinians, offering them the opportunity to cultivate their lands even if when these lands were on the Israeli side of the planned security fence route.


As to the crisis with the U.S. regarding arms sales to China, which eventually cost him his job, Yaron said, “I do not feel like a scapegoat; I did my job faithfully; I did not break any law or commitment.” 


פרסום ראשון: 09.14.05, 20:36
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