
Photo: Reuters
Shalom with Pakistani counterpart in New York
Photo: Reuters
Photo: Yisrael Hadari
Shalom with Condoleezza Rice during press conference
Photo: Yisrael Hadari
Photo: GPO
Shalom (L) and British Foreign Secretary Jack straw
Photo: GPO

Shalom to Arabs: Time for open relations

Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom says during speech before U.N. General Assembly summit in New York, “Israel’s contacts with Arab and Muslim states are growing, at a rate never seen before. Countries – like Pakistan and others - who in the past refused to acknowledge our shared humanity, today are extending their hand in friendship and recognition’

The Iron wall that has defined Israel’s relations with most of the Arab and Muslim world for generations is coming down, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said Tuesday during a speech before the U.N. General Assembly in New York.


“Israel’s contacts with Arab and Muslim states are growing, at a rate never seen before. Countries – like Pakistan and others - who in the past refused to acknowledge our shared humanity, today are extending their hand in friendship and recognition,” he said.


“Relations with key Muslim states such as Turkey are flourishing, while our peaceful ties with both Egypt and Jordan, are improving all the time. Here in New York this week, I have had the honor of meeting with more than ten of my colleagues from the Arab and Muslim world, a number unthinkable, even two years ago.”


The foreign minister added, “Indeed, those who genuinely wish to help the Palestinian people - and to bring them the benefits of peace and prosperity - must realize, that building contact and cooperation with Israel, is a crucial element in this process.”


'We need a partner'


Shalom said that in fields such as agriculture, health, environment, transportation and electricity, the potential benefits of Middle East regional cooperation, are immense.


“Such cooperation can bring tangible and immediate economic benefits, as Israel’s improving relations with Jordan and Egypt have shown. Unfortunately, many of our ties with the Arab and Muslim world are still deep in the shadows, away from the public eye,” he said.


“Today, I call on my Arab and Muslim colleagues to bring our contacts out into the open, so that our peoples may understand our shared desire to work with each other, to bring peace and prosperity to our region.


“I call on the leaders of the Arab and Muslim world, to join us in speaking to our publics, of peace rather than conflict, of reasons to cooperate, rather than reasons to boycott.”


As to Israel’s recent withdrawal from Gaza, Shalom said the responsibility for the affairs of Gaza and its residents is now in Palestinian hands.


“We are committed to the Roadmap, and we wish to get back to its full implementation. For this, we need a partner,” he said, adding that, “The transfer of responsibility for Gaza, provides the Palestinian side with the chance to take their fate into their own hands. An opportunity not just to say that they want to govern, but to show that they are ready and able, to do so.”


'Stop Iran before it goes nuclear'


The foreign minister continued: The Palestinian Authority must also deliver on its commitment to end the campaign of terror against Israel. For Israel, security is an issue on which we will never compromise. We insist on the end of terror, and the dismantlement of its infrastructure for the safety of our citizens, and so that our peace efforts can succeed.


Regarding Hamas’ plans to participate in the upcoming Palestinian elections, the foreign minister said, “Israel can not - and will not - grant legitimacy to such an organization.”


“We will not cooperate with its desire to participate in the forthcoming Palestinian elections,” he said.


Shalom also addressed the Iranian nuclear crisis, saying the country’s nuclear ambitions are “the central threat to global security – and to renewed momentum towards dialogue and peace in the Middle East.


“As the speech before this Assembly of the newly-elected president of Iran so clearly demonstrated, Iran’s fanatic regime remains determined to proceed with its nuclear weapons program,” he said.


“The international community must rally as one - and use all the means at its disposal - to stop Iran, before it goes nuclear.”


פרסום ראשון: 09.20.05, 18:30
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