
Photo: AP
F-16 fighter jet
Photo: AP

Soldier suspected of sabotaging F-16

Staff sergeant from Eilat was arrested for suspicion of purposely inserting screws into the engine of an F-16 fighter jet at the Ovda base in the south due to an argument with his commanding officer; Israel Air Force officer: It goes without saying that any damage done to such a sensitive aircraft could result in disaster

A 21-year-old staff sergeant from Eilat was arrested for suspicion of inserting screws into the engine of an F-16 fighter jet at the Ovda base in the south due to an argument with his commanding officer.


Military Police have launched an investigation into the incident. The suspect is denying the charges.


An Israel Air Force official told Ynet: It is not yet clear what was done to the plane, but it goes without saying that any damage done to such a sensitive aircraft could result in disaster.”


The investigation was launched after technician discovered spare screws in the plane’s engine during a routine inspection. Military Police sources said a box of screws with the suspect’s fingerprints on it was also found.


During a Military court hearing Friday it was revealed that the suspect had failed a lie detector test. His attorneys, Shai Newsted and Yitzik Cohen said the suspect continues to deny the allegations, adding that he may have placed the box of screws in the plane by mistake.


The judge extended the soldier’s remand by four days, stating that keeping the soldier confined is necessary for the completion of the investigation.


Hanan Greenberg contributed to this report


פרסום ראשון: 09.23.05, 16:47
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