
Photo: Rony Schitzer
Shocking murder
Photo: Rony Schitzer

'Family honor' murder in Galilee

A 23-year-old Druze girl has been murdered by family members for dating a Muslim, police suspect

Police suspect that a young woman from Shfaram whose body was found Sunday in the Galilee was killed for ‘the sake of saving family honor’, when it became apparent to family members that she is dating a Muslim man.


Samar Hassoun’s body was found in an olive orchard lying between two Arab villages in the Galilee. Owners of the orchard who arrived to their fields Sunday afternoon spotted the body of the slain 23-year-old and called the police.


Officers could not at first determine the circumstances of the death but forensic evidence confirmed that the girl was murdered.


Ynet has learned that over the last months the young Druze girl had been dating a Muslim, resident of a nearby village.


She had run away from home several times in the past. Police have arrested two of the girl’s uncles, one from each side of her parents, and her Muslim boyfriend.


Chief Superintendent Shmouel Boker said the suspects have so far denied involvement in the killing. The Akko Magistrates’ Court on Monday extended the remand of the uncles by eight days and that of the boyfriend by seven days.


The investigation is in its initial stages and the police do not intend to make further arrests at this point in time, superintendent Boker said.


פרסום ראשון: 10.24.05, 15:38
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