
Photo: Reuters
Sharon and Lavrov on Thursday
Photo: Reuters

PM: No summit if terror persists

Sharon takes advantage of meeting with Russian foreign minister in order to convey unequivocal message to Palestinians following Hadera bombing: If situation continues, I shall not meet with Abbas

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon met Thursday with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and took advantage of the photo opportunity at the beginning of the meeting to send an unequivocal message to the Palestinians following Wednesday's bombing in Hadera.


Sharon said that "Yesterday we faced a severe act of terror. Unfortunately, the Palestinian Authority is not taking any serious measures in order to fight terror, and therefore we have decided to run the battle through a full-scale operation."


"Our operations will be comprehensive and nonstop until we bring terror to an end," he added.


Sharon told Lavrov that "If the PA should not take serious and significant measures against terror there will be no progress, and that is a shame."


"In such a situation I will not meet with Abbas, and thus the Palestinians will lose all their national dreams," he added.


During the meeting Sharon also noted that "We are not happy to conduct military operations, but the fact that Abbas condemns the attack does not assist us."


The Russian foreign minister said that he had met with Abbas on Wednesday, and added that Abbas had asked him to pass his condemnation of the attack to Sharon.


Lavrov added that he believes "Abbas is serious in his intentions to take action and is waiting for his security forces to become stronger."


According to Lavrov, "Abbas is ready for concrete steps and we believe that he must continue to receive support throughout the way, both politically and materially."


"This is not an easy process and we must overcome it," he added.


Lavrov also condemned the attack, saying that "We strongly condemn yesterday's act of terror. We are allies against terror, together with Israel."


'Iran a danger to Europe as well'


In the meeting, Sharon referred to the Iranian president's call on Wednesday to “wipe Israel off the map.” Jerusalem interpreted the remark as a call for the destruction of Israel, and Sharon said "I have still not heard Russia's response."


The Russian foreign minister responded that Moscow had summoned the Iranian ambassador and asked him for explanations on the president's remark. He noted that these were very serious words that were unacceptable also to Russia.


Sharon also took the opportunity to join in on the foreign ministry's demand to remove Iran from the United Nations.


"A state that calls for the destruction of another people cannot be a member of the U.N. Such a country, which possesses nuclear weapons, constitutes a danger not only for Israel and for the Middle East, but for Europe as well," he added.


On the Syrian issue Lavrov promised Sharon that Russia will demand from Syria to keep Assad's promise to Russian President Vladimir Putin – to remove the terror headquarters from its territory. Lavrov spoke in response to Sharon's claim that the orders for executing the recent Islamic Jihad terror originated in Damascus. 


Ronny Sofer contributed to the story


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