
Photo: Gil Yochanan
Meir Brettler
Photo: Gil Yochanan
Photo: Gil Yochanan
Aryeh Katz
Photo: Gil Yochanan

'Fake bombers' to be discharged

Two ultra-Orthodox pullout objectors who planted dummy bombs to be dismissed from IDF

The IDF is planning on dismissing two soldiers convicted of planting a dummy bombs in Jerusalem's central but station and court houses, senior officials told Ynet.


The two soldiers, Aryeh Katz and Meir Brettler, who are from an ultra-Orthodox unit, are expected to finish serving their sentence this week. They will then be immediately dismissed from the IDF.


The punishment follows a precedent set by IDF Chief of Staff  Dan Halutz, which is based on the principle of holding soldiers who have violated laws due to opposition to the pullout accountable for their actions.


Katz and Brettler, who have been jailed for six months, will appear before a committee where the decision to dismiss them will apparently be taken. "Clearly, there's no place for a decision to leave them in the IDF," said a senior officer from the Military Prosecutor's Office.


"In this case, it's clear to us that we must not take a forgiving attitude towards these two soldiers by leaving them in the army. We also haven't heard them express regret. The direction is clear – removing them from the army is the only option to take."


Enjoying army salaries


Army sources involved in the case have pointed out that the two soldiers are continuing to enjoy unusually generous army salaries because both have their own families.


"To continue to pay them thousands of shekels a month after what they did is obviously something they don't deserve, and in any case, the policy must send a clear message. The IDF can't have those who operated against the State serve in its ranks," one official said.


In July 2005, a device made up of a gas balloon, a clock, and wires was found in the bathroom of Jerusalem's Central Station along with the note: "The disengagement will blow up in your face."


The station was closed and emergency vehicles were rushed to the scene, only to discover the device was fake.


פרסום ראשון: 11.13.05, 20:39
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