
Photo: Dan Balilti
Lapid and Sharon in better days
Photo: Dan Balilti
Photo: Gil Yochanan
Labor party's new leader
Photo: Gil Yochanan

Lapid: Government has run its course

Opposition Chairman Yosef Lapid convenes meeting to discuss possibility of early elections, in preparation for Wednesday proposal to dissolve the Knesset

The government has come to its end; it has run its course, Shinui Chairman Yosef Lapid said during a meeting with opposition members Monday, convened to discuss the possibility of early elections, less than one week after Labor Party Chairman Amir Peretz was elected.


The political establishment is anxiously waiting for Wednesday's proposal to dissolve the Knesset, which would result in early elections in the coming months.


The Labor party faction has made its decision and over the weekend; party chairman Amir Peretz threatened to vote in favor of the opposition, if Sharon would not meet with him sooner.


Knesset member Zvi Hendel (National Union) said during Monday's meeting that it was time to "disengage from Sharon, who should go home," while MK Abdulmalik Dehamshe (United Arab List) said, "we want to remove him (Sharon) because he is not implementing other pullouts."


MK Shaul Yahalom (National Religious Party) announced his faction would consider, in coordination with Peretz, the possibility of postponing the proposal should no majority be promised.


Knesset member Jamal Zahalka (National Democratic Assembly) demanded the National Religious Party and National Unity pledge not to withdraw the proposal at the last moment.


He suggested scheduling elections for May 17, the date of several previous political changes.


Peretz continues to unite Labor faction


Meanwhile, Shas, Yahad-Meretz and Hadash-Ta'al factions boycotted the meeting.


"Tommy (Lapid) is a fake who did not deliver the goods," MK and Yahad-Meretz faction chairman Zahava Gal-On said. "We will not arrive at an event he organized himself. Shinui is a political party on the verge of collapse and we have no desire to pick up the pieces."


However, Lapid expressed sadness for those factions who "prefer petty considerations over public interests, especially at a time when we need to unite."


Peretz continued his efforts Monday to consolidate his faction, after Labor party ministers met Sunday without their new chairman. While several senior ministers criticized Peretz's actions behind closed doors, the majority has publicly pledged to follow their leader.


Peretz met with Ministers Haim Ramon, Matan Vilnai, Ophir Pines-Paz and Yitzhak Herzog Monday. He is expected to meet later with Shas Chairman Eli Yishai.


Attila Somfalvi contributed to the report 


פרסום ראשון: 11.14.05, 14:07
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