
Photo: Dalit Shacham
Will he return? Deri
Photo: Dalit Shacham
Photo: Alex Kolomuisky
Missing the lost son? Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
Photo: Alex Kolomuisky
Photo: Zoom 77
'Peretz is an advantage.' Attroney Glass
Photo: Zoom 77

Shas seeks return of former chairman

Fear of Amir Peretz 'stealing votes' leads Shas spiritual leader's confidant to call on former chairman Aryeh Deri to return home as party's 'president'

Attorney David Glass, long-time confidant and faithful advisor of Shas' spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, called on former Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri on Friday to return to the party.


After the cool-down in their relations, it seems that Rabbi Yosef is trying to appease Shas' legendary chairman and to turn him once again, despite the fact that he is a convicted felon and a released prisoner – into an influential figure in one of Israel's key parties.


Attorney Glass suggested nominating Deri as 'president' of the Shas movement. In an interview to Kol-Chai Radio, he said that Deri and Shas Chairman Eli Yishai must work together for the sake of the movement, without taking away any of the present chairman's authorities.


Glass told Ynet that Deri never left Shas and that "there is definitely room for his return."


"We are talking about a very talented person, and he should be given a role, but there is no intention to replace Yishai, who is the leader that proved himself and must continue," Glass said.


As for the new threat from the Left, Glass claimed that "There is a big advantage in Peretz. The effect of his election has created a trend of votes fleeing the Likud, and these voters might stop in the middle of the road – in Shas, in light of Labor chairman's leftist viewpoints."


Former Shas spokesman Itzik Sudri explained that "The election campaign is heating up, and Shas needs Aryeh's help against Amir Peretz. It is time for a winning combination."


Will Deri answer the call? Some of his aides said that since Peretz's election, Deri "has only been waiting for Ovadia to call him". Others, however, believe that there is no chance that Deri would return without being number 1.


Deri has refused to respond to the report so far.


Deri's aide: Election maneuver


Eliezer Kain, Deri's aide, harshly criticized Glass's call to Deri, saying that "Shas' political leadership, headed by Eli Yishai, is trying to cynically exploit Deri and use him as a vote contractor, just as they did in the previous elections when the polls predicted that Shas would lose Knesset seats."


"We understand the pressure in light of Peretz's election, but Shas' political leadership does not really want Deri to return," he said.


"The public must know that this is an election maneuver and that Aryeh is not wanted in Shas," Kain concluded.


פרסום ראשון: 11.18.05, 20:20
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