
Photo: Yaron Brenner
Peretz: Don't speak in my name
Photo: Yaron Brenner

Peretz: New party temporary adventure

Labor faction holds meeting to decide on next steps following Sharon's dramatic resignation from Likud

Addressing the recent political developments during a Labor faction meeting, Labor Party Chairman Amir Peretz said "the Sharon party is a temporary adventure, the Labor party will last for years."


The meeting was held shortly after meetings held by the Likud and National Responsibility (the prime minister's new party) factions, following Sharon's dramatic resignation from the Likud.


Immediately after Labor's meeting, four out of the eight Labor party ministers submitted their resignations to the government secretary. The retiring ministers are Binyamin Ben Eliezer, Ophir Paz-Pines, Haim Ramon, and Yitzhak Herzog.


Meanwhile, Vice Premier Shimon Peretz declined to clarify whether he too will be quitting Labor, telling a Ynet reporter “I left once with Ben Gurion, and that’s it.”


Peres added: “Freedom from political party life is expected to end in the coming days.”


Additional ministers are expected to resign later in the day. Peres has yet to submit his resignation.


The Labor faction unanimously approved a recommendation calling for the party to submit a bill to dissolve the Knesset later Monday, and to bring forward the elections. The recommendation passed also authorizes Peretz to negotiate with Sharon to ensure proper management of the State in the intermediate period leading up to the elections.


'Labor will act responsibly'


This time frame would also see the appointment of temporary ministers to the government. Peretz said he promised that Labor would act with responsibility and allow Sharon to appoint further ministers so that "the State won't be run by five ministers alone."


The Labor leader also called for elections to be held on March 28.


Peretz called on his colleagues to unite ahead of the upcoming elections, and not to waste time with internal division. "I say to all those involved in disputes – enough. Instead on fighting over a small cake, let's go to the Israeli public so that it gives us support," he said. "The Labor movement can return Israel to sanity."


Peretz also addressed rumors and speculations centered on Sharon's new party. "I turn to everyone and call on them not to take part in the new adventure. Everyone who speaks in my name is doing so irresponsibly. No one can win points out of these fights. No announcement will come from me saying that I welcome someone leaving. The Sharon party is in any case a temporary party, the Labor movement is something that will last for years," said Peretz.


פרסום ראשון: 11.21.05, 18:02
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