
Photo: Yaron Brenner
Peres and Peretz
Photo: Yaron Brenner

Labor members: Peres inclined to quit

Vice premier still undecided about future moves; sources: Maybe he’s waiting for offer from Peretz

Vice Premier Shimon Peres is inclined to quit Labor, senior members of the party said Sunday.


“Peres’ clear inclination is to retire and leave the party, but on the other hand, maybe he’s waiting for an offer from (Labor Chairman) Amir Peretz,” one source said.


Meanwhile, Labor’s Binyamin Ben Eliezer met with Peres Sunday morning and called on him to stay in the party and “refrain from undermining the brand name he’s most associated with”. Later, Ben Eliezer met with Peretz and briefed him on his earlier meeting.


In recent days Peres has been subjected to pressures exerted by members of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s new party, Kadima, as well as by Labor members. Both sides hope Peres will ultimately decide to join them ahead of the upcoming general elections.


Peres himself has maintained an ambiguous stand and his advisers say he is still weighing the best options to contribute to the country and to peace-making.


In a possibly telling sign, last week the vice premier met with Peretz and later said he is looking for the best way to contribute to the country, peace, and to the Labor party. Following the meeting, Peretz said he believes Peres will be staying in Labor. However, in recent days the official response from Peres’ office does not include the reference to “contributing to the party,” which may be a sign of things to come.


פרסום ראשון: 11.27.05, 16:19
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