
Photo: Eli Elgrat
Braverman told Ynetnews Jerusalem would remain united under Labor. With Peretz (left)
Photo: Eli Elgrat

Braverman: Labor stands for united Jerusalem

In exclusive interview with Ynetnews, recent Labor recruit Professor Avishay Braverman says that under Labor, Jerusalem would remain united capital of Israel; adds that Peretz would work 'aggressively' towards two-state peace deal

In an exclusive interview with Ynetnews, outgoing Ben-Gurion University president and current Labor member Professor Avishay Braverman said that any government headed by Amir Peretz would "aggressively work" towards achieving peace based on a two-state solution.





Video: Gilad Levi


When asked by Ynetnews about Amir Peretz's stance on Jerusalem and its status in final peace deal, the subject of much speculation in recent weeks, Braverman said that Peretz and Labor have their position clear, adding: "Jerusalem is united, the capital of Israel. What we want right now, after the election, (is) to start negotiations and move forward."


"The administration under the Peretz government would move aggressively on the peace process, while at the same time making sure that the security of Israel would be unharmed," Braverman said.


Braverman expressed hope in a "transformation" in the current generation, and pointed to increasing links between Israelis and the Palestinians, not only among diplomats and politicians, but also among "businessmen and universities."


"I must say in my university, in the last 15 years, we've had such a strong relationship, economic, (a) relationship in medicine, (and) in desert agriculture," he said.


Responding to a question about the decision of Shimon Peres to leave Labor, Braverman said he was "sorry that he does not end his career with the Labor party… it saddens me."


פרסום ראשון: 12.01.05, 19:20
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