
Photo: Tomeriko
Kindergarten kids not so innocent (Archive photo)
Photo: Tomeriko

‘Naughty kindergarten’ probed

Police launch investigation after parents complain of ‘forbidden games’ in bathroom

Parents to children at a municipal kindergarten in Rishon Letzion, just south of Tel Aviv, have complained to the police about "forbidden sexual games" they claim took place in the kindergarten.


The complaint has been passed on the police's juvenile crime department, which plans on investigating how the kindergarten's teacher and helpers were not aware of what was apparently taking place right under their noses.


Police say the investigation is likely to end without charges, however, as it would be difficult to prove neglect by the educational staff.


From the testimonies of parents, it turns out that children, aged four and five, penetrated one another with pencils and various sticks as part of a number of contests in the kindergarten's bathrooms.


This behavior went on without the knowledge of the kindergarten's teacher and helpers.


Parents notice after-effects


Meanwhile, parents began noticing the after-effects of the "games" when some of their children, who had already been potty trained, reverted back to old behavior.


An urgent notice for a parents’ meeting at the kindergarten was sent out on Sunday afternoon, where parents learned of the severity of the actions taking place.


A police source said that it "would be very difficult to prove negligence on the part of the teacher, or to accuse her of much."


The Education Ministry said that "the kindergarten's caretaker met with parents on Sunday evening and psychological advisors were then immediately brought in order to track down the children who were being harmed and who were carrying out the actions.”


“A replacement teacher and helper have arrived at the kindergarten, as well as an advisor from the local council. Parents will meet with a psychologist, and they and their children will be provided with help,” the Ministry added.


פרסום ראשון: 12.12.05, 21:20
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