
Photo: Tomeriko
Gay Pride Parade (Archive photo)
Photo: Tomeriko

Tel Aviv to build first-ever gay center

Municipality approves initial budget of NIS 4 million, fixed annual budget of NIS 300,000 for Israel's first-ever homosexual-lesbian center

The Tel Aviv Municipality has decided to build a new statutory institution in the city, which will serve as a community center for members of the homosexual-lesbian community.


The center will be established as a municipal building, and the next elected mayors will be committed to its maintenance, regardless of their political views.


As a first step, the municipality will transfer NIS 4 million (about USD 900,000) to renovate the building, which will be chosen in the next few days. The municipality also committed to a fixed annual budgeting of NIS 300,000 (about USD 67,000), similar to the budgeting of any other municipal center.


The new center will be Israel's first-ever homosexual-lesbian municipal center, which will provide the community with health and culture services, as well as other civilian services.


The project's founding father is Itai Pinkas, a member of the Tel Aviv City Council, who has led an uncompromising battle for the rights of the city's homosexual and lesbians ever since he was elected.


"This is an important day for the city and the community," Pinkas said after the municipality's decision was made.


"By building this center, Tel Aviv joins an honorable club of advanced cities like New York, Los Angeles and Paris. I thank the mayor, who was a full partner in the initiative and understood the community's needs," he added.


"This is definitely a historical and important event in the community's life. This municipal building is designated to serve as the place where the community members will find the core of their lives," Pinkas explained.


Services for youth, elderly, ethnic minorities


Public institutions and local authorities have refrained until now from officially and fully acknowledging the needs of the homosexual-lesbian community.


Acknowledgement was received mainly through various budgets, usually using the community's representatives, in favor of special events or as part of municipal relief committees.


Now, following year-long negotiations, the Tel Aviv Municipality has agreed to acknowledge the gay community's needs and to provide its members with a budgeted municipal building.


Community members who will arrive at the center will be able to receive a large variety of services, such as concerts, cultural events, exhibitions by young artists, workshops, body and mental health services, support groups for HIV carriers, courses, legal aid, youth groups, social workers, a kindergarten, a library, etc.


As a first step, the municipal center will focus on providing services for four focused groups: Elderly people, youth, parents and community members belonging to an ethnic minority.


פרסום ראשון: 12.15.05, 20:24
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