
Photo: AP
Abbas under fire
Photo: AP

Fatah: Abbas to blame for defeat

Senior Fatah figures slam PA leader following Hamas win in local Palestinian elections

Palestinian Authority officials are stunned in the wake of the impressive Hamas win in local elections held on Thursday, particularly as the ruling Fatah movement failed to score a victory in even one of the large cities where ballots were cast.


PA and Fatah officials refused to officially address the results, saying they are waiting for official results expected to be published Sunday. However, off the record, senior Fatah figures are blaming PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas for the poor election performance.


According to the figures, the Fatah’s conduct in formulating its candidate list for the upcoming general elections and the decision to include several unwanted individuals belonging to the movement’s old guard severely hurt the moral of activists, with some deciding to refrain from taking part in the local elections.


A Fatah source told Ynet that in all four large cities where the elections were held, as is the case in other communities, members of the movement are wholly unsatisfied with the way the candidate list for the general elections was formulated.


Another explanation offered is the Fatah’s failure to properly handle local disagreements at various movement branches. As a result, in some locations the Fatah list was split, a factor that played in Hamas’ favor.


“We are the only ones to blame for this victory, with all due respect to the big achievement by the Hamas, which demonstrated impressive unity and organizational ability,” one Fatah source said.


Meanwhile, Fatah officials are trying to minimize the losses and are attempting to join forces with independent candidates who won the elections in an effort to forge coalitions at several small local councils.


Hamas celebrates


Meanwhile, Hamas victory celebrations continued throughout the night, particularly in el-Bireh and in Nablus.


Hamas spokesman Sami abu-Zuhari said the local elections victory – particularly in the West Bank’s largest town, Nablus – attests to the huge public support for the group and its political plan.


“Many among the Palestinian public support the movement’s political and local plan,” he said.


However, local Hamas activists admitted Thursday’s impressive results may not serve to predict the general elections results, but expressed their hope that the victory on the local level would have an impact on the upcoming general elections.


Meanwhile, Hamas members are concerned the latest victory would provide another reason for PA leaders to postpone the elections, scheduled for January 25.


פרסום ראשון: 12.16.05, 11:57
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