
Photo: Alex Kolomoisky
Steinitz: The only way is up
Photo: Alex Kolomoisky

Likud MK: Only way is up

Netanyahu associate Yuval Steinitz: This is important night for people of Israel. Shas’ Yishai: Indifferent social policies won, public hungry for bread

Benjamin Netanyahu’s apparent Likud primaries victory was not received with much surprise in the ruling party, despite recent polls showing his main rival, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, strengthening in ratings.


Aides at Shalom's campaign headquarters were hoping for a last minute surprise in the vote, and were disappointed with the result of an Israel Radio poll showing a resounding victory for Netanyahu.


Knesset Member Yuval Steinitz, an associate of Benjamin Netanyahu, said: "This is an important night for the people of Israel and it's wonderful for the Likud movement." He added: "From here, the only way is up."


Meanwhile, Moshe Debi, strategic advisor to foreign minister Silvan Shalom, said: "Likud members are behaving like a battered wife, returning to the old and familiar Benjamin Netanyahu."


Health Minister Danny Naveh said: "The Likud has absorbed a real blow recently. I believe that this evening, after a new chairman was elected, we'll close ranks and start on a successful journey to bring back voters to the Likud."


Tourism Minister Avraham Hirchson (Kadima) said the result clearly indicated that the Likud was heading towards extremism.


"A movement in which one out of every six voters chose (Moshe) Feiglin (who won 15 percent of the vote) is an extreme right-wing party," he said.


"Kadima represents the centrist way…that will direct the country in the coming years," he added.


‘Israelis don’t care; public hungry for bread’


Shas Party Chairman Knesset Member Eli Yishai said that the result showed "a victory for socially indifferent policies, and a continuance of the crumbling of society."


He added: "The people of Israel don't care who is number one and who is number two; the public is hungry for bread, not promises. The Likud is like a party that went bungee jumping without checking if the rope is attached."


Knesset Member Ran Cohen (Meretz-Yahad) said "the Likud chose to be led by the cruelest and most dangerous (politician) for the citizens of Israel."


He added: "Netanyahu will lead the Likud to the most extreme and marginal corner it has ever known."


Attila Somfalvi contributed to this report


פרסום ראשון: 12.19.05, 23:38
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