
Photo: AP
Bethlehem resident prepares for Christmas
Photo: AP

Bethlehem lacks Christmas spirit

Residents finding it difficult to get into Christmas spirit this year, despite PA’s efforts. Local: ‘There will never be a real Christmas in Bethlehem until all signs of occupation are gone’

Bethlehem residents are finding it difficult to get into the Christmas spirit this year, despite the fact that tourists are pouring into the West Bank city for Saturday’s Evening Mass at the Church of the Nativity.


The Palestinian Authority’s security establishment has announced a state of high alert, to make sure holiday festivities are not interrupted.


Church of the Nativity (Photo: AP)  


The Municipality decorated the city and added colorful light fixtures in the streets, and even set up a Christmas Bazaar in the areas leading to the Church. But even this did not seem to cheer up the locals.


Bethlehem is anticipating the arrival Friday night of TV crews from all over the world to cover the midnight mass, which Mahmoud Abbas is expected to attend for the first time as Palestinian Authority Chairman.


Bethlehem at night (Photo: AP)


Residents say the holiday spirit is hurt by the fact that they are not permitted to leave the city due to the IDF roadblocks and West Bank security fence.


“We are beginning to get into a celebratory mood and enjoy seeing the tourists, but we cannot go to Jerusalem and celebrate in the churches there,” a Christian-Palestinian told Ynet.


“It’s nice that people are coming here, but we cannot do much during the second part of the holiday because of the Israeli restrictions.


“In the security situation, with the (West Bank) security fence and the occupation, there will never be a real Christmas in Bethlehem; not before all signs of the occupation disappear.


As to the recent incident in which gunmen swarmed the local municipality building, the man said it did not hinder holiday preparations.


“The incident did not make a big impression on the residents; it may have hurt the atmosphere a bit, but it will not determine whether we fell the holiday spirit or not.


“We want to be free during the holiday.” 


פרסום ראשון: 12.23.05, 23:43
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