
Photo: Yaron Brenner
Gush Katif evacuation
Photo: Yaron Brenner

Former settlers get NIS 1.1 million in compensation

About 1500 Gush Katif families applied for state compensation, 1454 of which received NIS 1.1 million

Statistics published by the Prime Minister’s Office and the Disengagement Authority (SELA) showed Israel paid NIS 1 billion (USD 239,130,435) in compensation to 1,454 families evacuated from Gush Katif, a report published on Wednesday by Israel’s leading newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth said.


Some 1500 families, 85 percent of the 1750 families evacuated in August, submitted applications to receive compensation from the state. About 25 families have yet to apply for compensation.


The PMO claims that 1,454 applications of the 1,500 submitted so far have received state compensation, with some families receiving only 75 percent of the compensation package and some cashing the full amount. The average compensation per family is estimated at NIS 1.1 million (USD 240,000), yet this figure will rise when evacuated families are compensated according to their property loss assessment as stated in the Disengagement Law.


The PMO expects the average compensation package per family to rise to NIS 1.3 million (USD 270,000), which covers the settlers’ loss of their former properties. The state will also compensate settlers for losing their businesses.


פרסום ראשון: 01.04.06, 11:34
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