
Photo: Alex Kolomoisky
Photo: Haim Tzach
Israeli turns to local media outlets for news on Sharon
Photo: Haim Tzach

Arab media reports on Sharon’s health

On January 5th it seemed as if the entire Arab world was concerned with two stories: The death of one prime minister, and the fight for life of another

On January 5th it seemed as if the whole Arab world was concerned with two stories: The death of one prime minister, and the fight for life of another.


A day earlier, the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Sheikh Maktoum Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, died during a visit to Australia. The unexpected death of the 62-year-old prime minister surprised many, including the Arab media, which immediately interrupted its regular programming. Al Maktoum's funeral, which was held on January 5th, was broadcast live by many media outlets.


Then, further complicating the lives of news editors, a second blockbuster story broke in the Middle East: Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a massive stroke and was rushed to hospital. By noon on January 5th, newsrooms were rife with rumors of Sharon's death. Some television stations began airing the unconfirmed reports.


Almost immediately, malevolent messages poured in to Arabic-language online forums. “May he go to hell,” wrote a Saudi citizen on the A-Saha Al-Arabiyya (the Arab Arena) forum. Another read: “There are contradicting reports regarding the death of the filthy Sharon… whatever his condition is, the Palestinians will be relieved by his death – the death of a voracious dog.”


A contributor to the Muntada (Club) online forum could not conceal his joy. He wrote: “Oh God, today we have two festivals, not one. The death of this dirty person even equals ten festivals.”


Arab television stations were more cautious in their reporting. Many sent reporters to the Jerusalem hospital where Sharon was being treated. The reports filed by the Arab journalists sounded very much like those prepared by their Israeli colleagues.


'Sharon adopted aggressive policy against Palestinians'


As did other stations, news anchors at the popular Al-Arabiyya satellite television station questioned their reporter on-location about the ramifications Sharon’s illness held for Israeli politics. Al-Arabiyya also interviewed Palestinian Chief Negotiator Saeb Erekat, who stated his fear that Sharon's condition would have a negative impact on the Palestinians.


Interestingly, Al-Arabiyya deviated from the standard practice of other Arab media by interviewing Israelis. One such interviewee was Motti Kedar, an expert from the Begin-Sadat Institute for Strategic Studies. But only two minutes into the report, the feed was diverted to live coverage of the UAE prime minister’s burial service.


The Iranian television station Al-Alam used the opportunity to remind its viewers of the events of 1982, when Sharon was accused of being responsible for massacres of Muslims in Lebanese refugee camps. Yet, the station also presented a political analysis of each of Sharon’s potential successors running in the March elections.


The news portal 'Islam Online' prepared a detailed report on Sharon's condition. But the report waxed editorial when it concluded that, “Notorious for masterminding the 1982 brutal massacre of about 3,000 Palestinian civilian refugees in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon when he was defense minister, Sharon has adopted an escalatory and aggressive policy against the Palestinians since he assumed office in March 2001.”


Responses from Arab leaders


The opinions of Palestinian leaders appeared to be divided between those in the Palestinian Authority and those leading the armed factions. “On a purely humanitarian level we feel sorry for Mr. Sharon,” said Palestinian Deputy Prime Minister Nabil Shaath. He opined that, “Politically, it will increase the uncertainty we are facing to get back to the peace process. It is highly unpredictable to tell what will happen.”


Hamas spokesman Mushir Al-Ma'sri, on the other hand, told The Media Line that “the entire Middle East region will become a better place than it was during Sharon's era. Sharon has committed crimes and acts of terror and massacres against our Palestinian people.” According to Al-Ma'sri, Sharon's stroke was no accident. “Allah has sentenced Sharon and the likes of him to death. Allah brings down the evildoers and those who committed crimes against peoples and nations,” he said.


Anwar Abu Tah, a leader of the Islamic Jihad in Lebanon, also revealed his movement's pleasure in Sharon’s illness. He said, “We are not sorry about his health and let him go to hell whether he lives or dies... We, in Islamic Jihad, shall continue our holy war until we regain our rights.”


Republished by permission of The Media Line Ltd


פרסום ראשון: 01.06.06, 16:25
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