
Photo: Alex Kolomisky
Photo: Reuters
Hamas rally in Gaza
Photo: Reuters

PA: Hamas victory will harm Olmert

Palestinian Authority officials says elections should be postponed following Sharon’s hospitalization; fear Hamas victory may place added strain on Kadima party, Olmert

Parliamentary elections should be postponed due to the medical condition of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Palestinian Authority officials said Sunday, adding that PA, Egyptian, E.U. and U.S. officials have been meeting to discuss the matter.


Speaking to Ynet, the officials said the parties involved fear a Hamas victory will place added strain on Kadima's elections' campaign and on Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.


The officials added that both the Egyptians and Americans understand the need to postpone elections and that Hamas members have also expressed interest in discussing the idea. (Despite the group's official objection to any delay)


Meanwhile, the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades announced over the weekend that the group would not allow the existence of elections on January 25.


"At a time when the issue of Jerusalem is still unclear and the Authority is unable to secure the lives of activists and wanted suspects, we see no reason for the existence of elections," one senior member said.


"Israelis are killing and arresting activists and wanted suspects on a daily basis, violating their commitments. In this situation, the last thing we need is elections – dealing with elections instead of dealing with our safety and the safety of the Palestinian nation," he added.


'Israelis enter Palestinian communities on a daily basis'


The al-Aqsa member, a Nablus resident, said his group would not allow the opening of voting stations and the activities or local and foreign observers.


"It is more important for the international community to send observers to supervisor our lives and Israel's violation of the calm," he said.


Al-Aqsa activists in Jenin have even requested international observers leave town.


"The Israelis enter Palestinian communities on a daily basis, and so there is nothing to discuss about elections until our wellbeing is promised and we are ensured that the Israelis will no longer enter our towns," one leader told Ynet. 


פרסום ראשון: 01.08.06, 13:09
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