
Photo: Yaron Brener
Netanyahu – the heir?
Photo: Yaron Brener

Sharon aides blast Bibi: He's not PM's heir

Netanyahu slammed after portraying himself as prime minister's heir in interview with New York Times

Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu's attempt to portray himself as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's heir in an interview with the New York Times is a case of "incredible chutzpa" coming from someone who embittered the PM's life, a close Sharon associate said Wednesday.


The aide added "Netanyahu acted with treachery despite receiving full backing from Sharon. He dares to show up in the United States today claiming he is Sharon's legal heir even though it's clear Sharon sees Netanyahu as one of the most dangerous candidates for the premiership."


Sharon aides expressed their fury following recent remarks where Netanyahu claimed he was continuing in the footsteps of the ailing prime minister.


In an interview with talk-show host and Ynet columnist Yair Lapid on Monday evening, Netanyahu said that "the older generation has finished its role and the baton has to be relayed to the new generation."


Meanwhile, Netanyahu told the New York Times interview he was the inheritor of Sharon's legacy, though the Likud leader refused to go on record on specific political issues, claiming he was keeping down the level of political debate in order to focus on the prime minister's struggle for life.


Sources from Sharon's camp accused Netanyahu of attempting to exploit the prime minister's illness and his inability to respond in order to gain public support.


"These are counterfeit statements. He is trying to gain votes at the expense of the prime minister's illness. One must have a delusional view of reality in order to believe that Netanyahu is Sharon's heir. We still remember Netanyahu's statements against Sharon just a few weeks ago," a Sharon aide said.


Officials at Netanyahu's office, meanwhile, said they did not understand the fury of Sharon's associates.


"Netanyahu has acted responsibly the whole time, and chose not to attack the government's policies during this difficult time, despite its many failings. Despite that, he is the subject of wild attacks from every direction," one Netanyahu aide said.


פרסום ראשון: 01.11.06, 11:56
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