
Photo: AP
Labor leader Amir Peretz
Photo: AP
Photo: Tomeriko
Labor MK Binyamin Ben-Eliezer
Photo: Tomeriko

Labor launches election campaign

Party officially begins campaign Wednesday, accusing Kadima officials of making cynical use of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's bad health to lure an Israeli public concerned over the hospitalized PM

The Labor Party launched its election campaign Wednesday with a fierce attack on Kadima, accusing Shimon Peres and other senior party figures of making cynical use of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s ill health to garner support for the newly-formed centrist party.


Labor leader Amir Peretz challenged Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Likud party leader Benjamin Netanyahu to join him on a nationwide campaigning tour to express their political and social programs, but fell short of making direct comments of Kadima reports on Sharon’s health.


Peretz said Netanyahu and Olmert are two sides of the same coin when it comes to economic policies, accusing both his political foes of being responsible for “the implosion of many Israeli institutions.”


Peretz said Labor is preparing a team of experts to answer voters’ questions about the party’s policies.


“We have a party undergoing a democratic process as we prepare to present a team that will answer all questions … We have plans to make courageous moves on the political front, we will preserve Israel’s free economic market but we will protect the individual. The events in Kadima prove the party about job allotments while the Labor party is the Labor party,” he said. 


'Governments of the dark ages'


Labor MK Binyamin Ben-Eliezer expressed optimism over his party’s chances of winning the March 28 general elections. He blamed the general sympathy felt for Sharon after his hospitalization and projected poll results pointing to a Kadima landslide victory for the feeling of helplessness among Labor supporters.


He accused former Labor leader Shimon Peres of deceiving Israeli voters when he abandoned Labor for a prominent position in the ranks of Kadima.


Labor Secretary-General Eitan Cabel accused Kadima officials of making cynical use of Sharon to ensure a victory in the general elections. Rumors surfaced Wednesday morning that party officials decided to reserve top position on the party’s election list for Sharon.


“Today, when I heard the news about having Sharon lead Kadima’s list, I remembered governments of the dark ages. They are making cynical use of Sharon against our Jewish values. Kadima made it clear that Sharon is their essence. I tell the Israeli public that Olmert is no Sharon,” Cabel said.


Labor MK Isaac Herzog said 11,000 citizens joined the Labor party over the last 10 days.


“We will work night and day and campaign from house to house. He who has a popular base will win the elections,” he said.


פרסום ראשון: 01.11.06, 20:10
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