
Photo: Reuters
Yes to elections, no to Hamas. Rice and Abbas
Photo: Reuters
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Statement welcomed. Olmert
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Rice: No political place for Hamas

While Israel heads towards approving PA elections in east Jerusalem without the participation of terror groups, U.S. falls into line; says there is no place in political process for groups or individuals who refuse to renounce terror, recognizes Israel's right to exist

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice welcomed Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's statement Wednesday that the government will convene Sunday, in a bid to approve the decision to allow east Jerusalem residents to vote in upcoming PA elections.


The decision will be approved on condition Hamas and other terror organizations will not be allowed to participate in elections..


"It remains the view of the United States that there should be no place in the political process for groups or individuals who refuse to renounce terror and violence, recognize Israel's right to exist, and disarm," Rice said in a statement issued by the State Department.


Officials at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem welcomed Rice's statement.


Rice also said she welcomes Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' commitment Monday to hold elections on January 25 as scheduled. She added that Abbas is committed to taking necessary steps for the Palestinian security forces to guarantee elections would be held safely in an environment free of violent disruptions.


'Syria must cooperate fully and unconditionally'


In a different statement, Rice demanded Syria cooperate with the United Nations in investigating the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.


She threatened "to refer this matter back to the Security Council if Syrian obstruction continues."


Rice did not say whether the United States may seek sanctions against President Bashar Assad's government.


In the statement, Rice said Syria must "cooperate fully and unconditionally, as required by U.N. Security Council resolutions."


She said the United States "stands firmly with the people of Lebanon in rejecting any deals or compromises" that might undermine the investigation or give Syria relief from meeting U.N. Security Council obligations.


"We are firmly committed to seeking justice and pursuing the investigation to its ultimate conclusion," Rice said.


She also warned Syria to stop supporting Hizbullah and other terror groups.


Rice once again expressed the American commitment to the safety and wellbeing of Israel and sent well-wishes to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, to Acting Prime Minister Olmert and to the ministers and citizens of Israel.


Associated Press contributed to the report


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