
Photo: AP
Tail to be redesigned? (Illustration)
Photo: AP

Israel-India made chopper grounded

An Indian-made helicopter, developed in cooperation with Israel Aircraft Industries, grounded due to serious defects that caused one copter's crash. Sales' prospects of aircraft at risk, security official says

An India-made helicopter set to be marketed worldwide by the Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), has been grounded this week after severe malfunctions were detected in the aircraft, Israel's leading newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported Monday.


The IAI has signed a contract with the Indian aircraft industries, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd., in 2004, to manufacture and market the advanced light DHRUV chopper.


According to the deal, the IAI is to develop and supply the copter with tens of millions of dollars worth of innovative avionics systems, and establish a joint enterprise with its Indian partner, to market the DHRUV across the world and provide client support services.


The Israeli security establishment has already received one such aircraft, and has used it in several occasions to fly VIPs. The Indian army has 45 choppers in operation already.


However, while efforts to promote the helicopter ensue, it was recently reported that one of the aircrafts crashed in India, due to a serious defect. The malfunction will apparently force manufacturers to redesign the copter's tail.


"Such a technical problem complicates the marketing efforts of the helicopter," a security official explained Sunday. According to the official, sales of the aircraft can resume only after it is decided what changes need to be put in it.


The IAI said in response to the report that it operates in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and Civil Aviation Authority's regulations.


פרסום ראשון: 01.16.06, 09:07
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