
Photo: AP
Respect for Sharon. Olmert
Photo: AP
Photo: Sebastian Sheiner
New foreign minister. Livni
Photo: Sebastian Sheiner

Olmert named interim Kadima chairman

(VIDEO) Members approve in show of hands vote appointment of Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as temporary party chairman; party also approvesOlmert’s new ministerial appointments to fill gaps left by resignation of four Likud ministers from government

(VIDEO) Kadima members have approved in a show of hands vote the appointment of Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as temporary party chairman, barring an improvement in the condition of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

The party also approved Olmert’s new ministerial appointments to fill the gaps left by the resignation of four Likud ministers from the government.


Kadima party meeting (Photo: Reuters) 


Tzipi Livni has been appointed foreign minister in addition to the Justice Ministry portfolio she currently holds; Transportation Minister Meir Sheetrit has been appointed education minister; Internal Security Minister Gideon Ezra has been given the Ministry of the Environment; Ronnie Bar-On has been appointed the Infrastructure and Science and Technology portfolios; Deputy Defense Minister Zeev Boim has been appointed Housing and Construction as well as Agriculture minister; Jacob Ederi Minister - Development of the Negev and the Galilee and Health minister; Abraham Hirchson - minister of Communications and Tourism; Tzachi Hanegbi - minister of Secret Services.


'We’re Moving Forward’


Shaul Mofaz will remain Defense Minister and Olmert will oversee the Interior, Finance and Labor, Industry and Trade portfolios.


Tzipi Livni (left) and Ehud Olmert (Photo: AFP)


Olmert has displayed deep respect for comatose Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, keeping Sharon’s chair empty during cabinet meetings and refusing to run the country from the Prime Minister’s Office.


Even when Attorney General Menachem Mazuz ruled that Olmert will continue to serve as Acting Prime Minister until the March 28 general elections, Olmert stayed in his office at the Industry, Trade and Labor Ministry.


As Prime Minister Sharon remains in a coma, Kadima advisors have launched a new elections campaign called ‘We’re Moving Forward’ and a campaign to promote Olmert as the new leader is in the works.


Rumors are that Kadima will be running on a ticket showing the full array of its political recruits and stressing the presence in its ranks of a handful of leading experts from the medical, economic and education fields.


פרסום ראשון: 01.16.06, 12:57
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