
Photo: Yaron Brenner
Voting in Hebron
Photo: Yaron Brenner
Photo: Yaron Brenner
Last-minute campaigning
Photo: Yaron Brenner
Photo: Yaron Brenner
Election Day
Photo: Yaron Brenner

Hamas paints Hebron green

(VIDEO) Hamas posters cover Hebron walls; 'Hamas is the answer and they're the ones who will make it good here,' voter says

(VIDEO) HEBRON - Anyone looking for proof for the strengthening of Hamas in the territories can find it in Hebron's green Hamas signs.


Meanwhile, the city's streets are packed, the fingers of many Palestinians are dyed dark blue – the sign of someone who voted.


As the Palestinian Authority elections reach their peak, large army and police forces are guarding the Jewish district of the city, in order to avoid disturbances as ballots are cast.



Video: Yaron Brenner 


The elections are moving along calmly, and elections posters adorn almost every wall. Of these the green Hamas signs are the most visible. Many Palestinians are walking around with green Hamas hats, scarves, and hats, but Fatah has also distributed scarves and flags. Stores and markets in Hebron are open for business.


"I voted for Hamas, so that it will be good here, but a unity government will also be good," a voter told Ynet.


"Hamas is the answer and they're the ones who will make it good. I think that the majority will be received by Hamas and Fatah, and the rest will be received by the other parties. I believe that only Hamas can change the situation so that things look different," the Palestinian voter said.


During Israeli elections, police attempt to ensure that election campaign materials are not distributed near polling stations.


In Hebron things work differently: At the entrance to one voting station at a school stand representatives of the parties, equipped with ballots of candidates which they distribute to those who enter. Lists of those supposed to vote are written on wooden boards, that also registers each voter's polling station number.


Long lines of voters


Palestinian police stood outside of the voting stations monitoring the elections.


Four dividers have been put up inside the voting station, and polling committee members sit on the side, looking at ID cards and checking names.


After the orange identification badge has been shown, the voters dip their fingers into a jar of dye to ensure that they don't return to vote again.


Each voter receives two envelops, and then drops them in two boxes. A representative stands next to the boxes to explain which box should receive which voting form. Long lines of voters have formed around the polling station.


The IDF has kept itself outside of the picture, announcing that it would not enter Palestinian cities and villages during elections day, unless intelligence is received about a 'ticking bomb.'


IDF soldiers are positioned at checkpoints outside of Hebron, where they will remain unless an exceptional incident takes place.


פרסום ראשון: 01.25.06, 17:03
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